Cookie Policy


Cookies are tiny text files stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. Cookies are not a new thing. They have been used for many years. We are giving you this information due to the recent legislation and to make sure we're honest and clear about your privacy when using our website.

Here at HR Car Audio we use cookies to keep track of what you have in your basket and what products you have recently viewed to make your visit to our website friendlier and easier to navigate whilst placing your order.

To order products on, you need to have cookies enabled - see the Managing cookies section below if you want to enable or disable cookies on your browser.

Please note that cookies can't harm your computer. We don't store any private information like credit card details, address etc.. but we do store cookies to track the process of your order so we can gather statistical data and to track orders to completion so we can see which marketing channels are working best for us and so we can reward them for directing you to us.

We also have relationships with carefully-selected suppliers who may also set cookies during your visit to be used for remarketing purposes - in other words to show you different products and services based on what you appear to be interested in. If you would like to opt out, you can go to the Network Advertising Initiative website N.B. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.

Our Main Cookies

Here's a list of the main cookies we use, and what we use them for.

Cookie Name


__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv

These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics. This helps us collect and analyse visitor information such as browser usage, new visitor numbers, response to marketing activity and shopping times. That information helps us to improve the website and your shopping experience, and to make our marketing campaigns relevant.

This data can only be seen by the relevant teams at CarAudioCentre and Google and never shows any confidential information.


This keeps track of products you have recently viewed so you can keep track of what you've viewed and go back to any of the products you recently viewed.


These are third party cookies from one of our marketing partners Mediaforge and is used to market products you may be interested in. No sensitive data is stored


These are third party cookies from one of our marketing partners tradedoubler and is used to track orders so we can reward our partners for directing you to CarAudioCentre. No sensitive data is stored


Managing Cookies

How to check cookies are enabled for PCs

Google Chrome

Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select Options Click the 'Under the Hood' tab, locate the 'Privacy' section, and select the 'Content settings' button Now select 'Allow local data to be set'

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0

Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet options' , then click on the 'Privacy' tab Ensure that your Privacy level is set to Medium or below, which will enable cookies in your browser Settings above Medium will disable cookies

Mozilla Firefox

Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select Options Then select the Privacy icon Click on Cookies, then select 'allow sites to set cookies'


Click on the Cog icon at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option Click on 'Security', check the option that says 'Block third-party and advertising cookies' Click 'Save'

How to check cookies are enabled for Macs

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX

Click on 'Explorer' at the top of your browser window and select 'Preferences' options Scroll down until you see 'Cookies' under Receiving Files Select the 'Never Ask' option

Safari on OSX

Click on 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option Click on 'Security' then 'Accept cookies' Select the 'Only from site you navigate to'

Mozilla and Netscape on OSX

Click on 'Mozilla' or 'Netscape' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option Scroll down until you see cookies under 'Privacy & Security' Select 'Enable cookies for the originating web site only'


Click on 'Menu' at the top of your browser window and select 'Settings' Then select 'Preferences', select the 'Advanced' tab Then select 'Accept cookies' option